Chris Oosenbrug - Karolyn Eggler

Textiles, Wood

"Chris has been a cabinetmaker/woodturner since the early 1980’s. He has exhibited turned bowls in select galleries in Montreal, Toronto and Chicago and participated in high-end craft shows in Canada and the US (One of a Kind- Toronto, Chicago). Chris’ appreciation of trees, architecture, furniture design, and music all influence his work. In addition to bowls and custom turned work he has recently designed and built tables, chairs and desks.

Karolyn has designed and produced for the giftware market since 1990, supplying high-end gift stores across Canada and exhibiting at One of a Kind-Toronto and Chicago. Karolyn’s appreciation of natural textile fabrics (silk, cotton, linen, wool), craftmanship and attention to fine detail are all important components of her creations. She continues to produce denim aprons with tartan accents and is currently designing one-of-a-kind robes and caftans, exploring the use of texture to further elevate her pieces."