APPLES & ART STUDIO TOUR Artist's Application Form for the 31st Annual Studio Tour - September 24 & 25, 2022
Submission Deadline: May 31st, 2022
Sharing space this year is up to you to organize, let us know so we can spread the word.
If you have a location other than your own studio, you must have the permission of the owner of that space and confirmed their participation in the Apples & Art Studio Tour. The Organizing Committee will NOT be inspecting and approving any proposed location so safety issues are your responsibility.
You must provide sample images of your work, up to 5 images please:
IMAGE INFO - Please use this format below to name each image:
Example - John Smith-Birds in Flight-Oil on Canvas
I have read and agree to comply with the requirements of the Apples & Art Studio Tour (read them HERE). Non-compliance with any of these conditions may result in exclusion from future Tours. In signing this application, the artist grants permission to the Apples & Arts Studio Tour to use any submitted photographs in promoting the event.
Please also read our guidelines which can be foundHERE